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通常価格 ¥2,500 JPY
通常価格 セール価格 ¥2,500 JPY
セール 受付終了
Before submitting your request, please read through the tour details below.


  • 開催場所: 仙台市中心部商店街エリア
  • 所要時間: 約1時間30分(10:30~16:30 受付可能)
  • 定員: 1〜5名(最少催行人員1名)*
  • 参加費: 2,500円(税込)*小学生以下は参加無料 *2名以上の場合、お一人につき500円割引いたします
  • 参加方法: ご希望日の3日前17:00までの要事前申込
  • 対応言語: 日本語・英語






※ガイドの空き状況によっては、ガイド手配ができかねる場合がございます。ガイドツアーをご希望の際は、上部のリクエストフォーム(Google Form)をご記入ください。リクエストを受信後、ガイド手配の可否について確認させていただき、2日以内にご予約についてご返信いたします。万が一、主催側からの返信がない場合、ご連絡をお願いいたします。(080-2815-8321 または support@i-sendai.jp)


※キャンセルをご希望の際は、必ずご連絡をお願いいたします。(080-2815-8321 または support@i-sendai.jp) なお、ガイドツアー開始24時間前までにキャンセルのご連絡がない場合、参加費は全額払い戻しいたしません。





※基本的に雨天決行です。(出発予定時間に荒天が予想される場合は除く。) 荒天でイベントが中止になる場合、参加費は全額払い戻しいたします。

  • Spanish person, in their 20s

    "It was a great tour for a first glance at Sendai’s downtown main locations and interesting points. The local guides were incredibly nice!"

  • 日本人(福島県) 40代


  • French person, in their 40s

    "Thank you So much for our tour on Sendai. We really appreciate our two guides ! They are really implicated in the visit ; secret place , incredible temple …. We are totaly Free to answer questions about town ou japonese life ! There knowledge are really perfect for us ! Unfortunatly we are come back France … We sincerely Hope to see them again during a tea ceremony…. (With traditionel kimono of course )"

  • American person, in their 40s

    It was a lovely experience.

  • 日本人(東京都) 50代


  • Korean person, in their 40s

    It is very well designed touring program. Volunteer guide who live long time in Sendai, they explain about Sendai downtown with passion and excellent knowledge. It is also very nice to talk about each other's country difference and similarity. I truly appreciate Yumiko and her friend (sorry I forgot the name), for the kind and enjoyable talk and useful information for Yokocho tour. I also much thank for Uchimi san , for his excellent and passionate explanation of Sendai history and cultural aspects. Furthermore, administrating officer (sorry I couldn't find your name) is very kind and passionate. Also very helpful whenever I have queries with quick answers. I hope next time I have a chance to visit Sendai information center with my family. Arigatogojaimasu!

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  • Chiho NISHIWAKI / 西脇 千穂

    Hello and welcome to Sendai, a city rich in history and culture. I’m excited to show you its historic downtown sites, delicious food and beautiful nature. Let’s explore together!



  • Rika HASEBE / 長谷部 里花

    Do you know what Zunda is? Zunda is a green-soybean jam used for various sweets in Miyagi and Yamagata. It is a local specialty. I am originally from Yamagata, but now I am proud to call Sendai home because of the similar food culture I have encountered here. I definitely recommend Zunda milkshakes over other Zunda sweets. The Zunda milkshakes are available only in Sendai. So, you should come to try them. I love meeting people from around the world and sharing the rich history and unique charm of this beautiful city. I look forward to guiding you!



  • Yukie / 熊坂 雪江

    Hello, my name is Yukie Kumasaka, and I’m from Sendai. I was born and raised in Sendai and have lived in Sendai most of life. Sendai is wonderfully located, close to both the mountains and the sea, offering stunning nature and delicious food. From fresh seafood to heartly local dishes, there’s so much to enjoy. Miyagi is also rich in traditional crafts which have been made here for generations. I’m excited to share both the old and new aspects of Sendai and Miyagi with you on this tour. Let me guide you through the unique blend of history, culture, and modern charm that makes this area special!



  • Meg / 佐藤 めぐみ

    Hello! Welcome to Sendai. I'm Meg. In my free time, I love exploring temples and shrines, discovering delicious sweets, and wandering through alleys and paths in Sendai. Why not join me in touring hidden gems in the city center that even Sendai locals don't know about, and shops you can't miss when you come to Sendai? I'll ensure that every moment of your stay in our city is enjoyable and memorable. I'm looking forward to meeting you!


    こんにちは! 仙台へようこそ。ガイドの佐藤めぐみです。神社やお寺を訪れたり、おいしいスイーツを見つけたり、仙台の路地裏を散策したりするのが大好きです。仙台に住んでいる人でも意外に知らない街中の隠れたスポットや、仙台に来たら絶対にはずせないお店を一緒に巡ってみませんか?皆さんにお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。

  • Hiroshi / ひろし

    My name is Hiroshi and was born in Sendai.I carriied a mikoshi at the Mitakisan Fudoin Festival when I was young.And now,I have a dog named Zunda which is the same as Sendai specialty.Sendai is the largest city in the Tohoku region with a people of over 1 million,but there is beautiful nature from the sea and mountains.So you can enjoy traditional and modern culture also delicious food.Some people speak with a local accent(it's me!).Please come,I'm waiting for you.



  • Kana / かな

    Hello! I’m Kana. I love Sendai! It is a wonderful place to experience both the great nature and urban atmosphere. As for myself, I’m an outdoor person. I like to take a walk, finding fascinating things, such as new cafe, events and more. My top recommendation is the view of Jozenji-Dori Avenue. Especially, in May, it is truly breathtaking with beautiful fresh green! Its scenic makes me realize Sendai city is called "City of Trees". I hope you will have the chance to see it as well. My favorite Japanese phrase is “Once-in-a-lifetime meeting”. With these words in mind, I would like to have a wonderful time with you. I am looking forward to meeting you in Sendai!


    こんにちは! カナです。仙台大好きです! 仙台は大自然と都会的な雰囲気、どちらも楽しめる素晴らしい都市です。趣味は、街中を散歩しながら、心ときめくものを探すことです。おすすめスポットは「定禅寺通りの景色」です! 特に5月は新緑が本当に美しく、仙台が「杜の都」だなと実感します。好きな言葉は「一期一会」です。この言葉を胸に皆さんと楽しい時間を過ごしたいと思います。ぜひ仙台でお会いしましょう!

  • Kaori / かおり

    Hi, I’m Kaori Nakayama. I’m from Chiba Prefecture, near Tokyo. I’m a housewife. When I moved to Sendai 26 years ago, what impressed me the most is its beautiful greenery. Even in the bustling downtown area of Sendai, lined with modern buildings, there are spots where you can feel its rich history and culture. I’ve enjoyed learning English for a long time and I’ve always wanted to contribute to my community using English. I’m happy to show you around this city and to talk about famous stories on each spot as well as hidden gems and unknown episodes of Sendai!



  • Shoko / しょうこ

    Want to dive into not-on-a-guidebook places at a gateway city up north of Japan? This walking tour is the best choice for you to explore downtown Sendai like a Sendai-er. While witnessing Japanese ordinary life, I will guide you through the heart of the city from bustling shopping streets to hidden local alleys with a relaxed atmosphere under the firm experiences of a local guide/interpreter/translator. I am more than happy to help you discover your own Sendai charms together. My interests are music, food, sports (doing/watching/volunteering), and Japanese culture (especially teas and Japanese calligraphy). Hope to see you soon!



  • Green Leaf / グリーンリーフ

    Hello, I love traditional crafts, Japanese tea, strolling through the city and local markets. The Sendai Aoba Festival in May is one of my favorite events. Worth seeing are the magnificent festival floats, the Suzume Odori (sparrow dance), and the samurai parade with warlord Date Masamune on a horse. I would suggest trying local cuisines too. First, Sendai beef tongue is a local specialty. The tongue sliced thicker than those from any other area is juicy and flavorful. Harako-meshi in autumn and Seri-nabe hot pot in winter are other suggestions. Soy sauce-based chicken or duck soup and refreshing Sendai-seri (Japanese parsley) are the standout ingredients of this hot pot. We look forward to seeing you in Sendai.



  • Kiyoshi /きよし

    Born in Ishinomaki, I am a 38-year-experienced Sendai resident, Gastroenterologist, and dedicated Child care provider. I love guitar, vocals, and spicy curry. Both you and your little ones are in safe hands with me! Proficient in Sendai’s local history, culture, and specialties, especially traditional crafts such as Kokeshi dolls, local traditions adorned with Japan’s four seasons, unique food culture and religious practices, and sake brewed on locally grown rice, water, and yeast. Come join us and discover the unique, nostalgic, and beautiful "City of Trees!”


    石巻出身、仙台在住38年、麻酔科、消化器内科医師、保育士。ギターとボーカル、辛いカレーをこよなく愛します。小さなお子様からあらゆる年齢まで、安心してお任せください! 地域の歴史、文化と名産品、特にこけしなどの伝統工芸品、日本の四季に彩られた風習、独特な食文化と宗教観、地元産米と水と酵母に醸される日本酒などについて詳しく紹介できます。私たちと一緒に美しい”杜の都”仙台の街を歩き尽くしましょう!

  • Kyoko / きょうこ

    Hello, I’m Kyoko. I was born in Shichigahama Town, Miyagi Prefecture. After living in various places across Japan, including Hokkaido, Akita, Fukushima, Niigata, Kanagawa, and Osaka, I returned to Sendai in 2020, just a year before the Great East Japan Earthquake. I want to share with everyone the wonderful things I rediscovered about Sendai and Miyagi, and to help make your trip unforgettable during your visit. One of my hobbies is running, and I highly recommend running through the streets of Sendai during the cherry blossom season in spring and the illumination season in winter.



  • Junko KAMATA / 鎌田順子

    Welcome to Sendai! I would be happy if I could share with you the charms of my favorite city, Sendai, where I was born and raised. In addition to history and culture, we also offer seasonal ingredients, delicious Japanese sake, and recommended izakaya restaurants, so leave it to us to enjoy the food and drinking experience. We will also introduce local crafts. We hope you have a wonderful time in Sendai. Eating, drinking, cooking, baseball (Rakuten Eagles), Takarazuka, glass painting, handmade crafts


    ようこそ仙台へ!生まれ育った大好きな仙台の魅力をお伝えできたら嬉しいです。歴史・文化に加えて、旬の食材・美味しいお酒、おススメの居酒屋など、食べ歩き・飲み歩きはお任せください。また、地元の工芸品などもご紹介します。ぜひ仙台で素敵なひとときをお過ごしください。 食べ歩き 飲み歩き 料理 野球(楽天イーグルス) 宝塚 ガラス絵付け 手作り クラフト

  • FUJIWARA / ふじわら

    I’m Yumiko Fujiwara. Nice to meet you! I was born and raised in Sendai.My special ability is performing English sit down comedy, called Rakugo. Would you like to try it?And I like to visit museums.Sendai is a beautiful green city and easy to access to Tokyo or countrysides.Every food is fresh and nice.Especially seafood is great!On the other hand we have few tourism resources.I try to find more attractive places and make visitors happy here in Sendai. Sendai-sa yotte kerain.
    Or we look forward to see you in Sendai!



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